
Steve Brenner passed away from a pulmonary embolism in August of 2016. His wife, Michele Brenner, shares his story: My husband, Steve Brenner, died of a massive pulmonary embolism on 8/15/16 while waiting for a hip replacement. This was preventable. If Steve’s doctor or one of his colleagues at their orthopedic practice had replaced Steve’s hip more quickly or prescribed mechanical compression or blood thinners to reduce the risk of blood clots, we would not be in this devastating situation today.
I urge orthopedic surgeons to consider blood clot prevention measures for immobile patients waiting for surgery, especially if the patient has other risk factors for clots.
In the summer of 2016, Steve was in excruciating pain in his right hip and immobile for five weeks. He died of a massive pulmonary embolism from a DVT. I was with him when he convulsed at home and went unconscious. I started CPR. His mother was there and called 911. Our three children saw the ambulance take Steve away on a gurney. I rode in the ambulance and told the EMTs this is a ‘husband with three young children, do-everything-you-can situation.’ Shortly after we arrived at the hospital, the ER doc told me there was nothing else they could do. Steve was gone. My husband, my three kids’ father, a beloved son, brother, son-in-law, brother-in-law, cousin, colleague and friend was gone.
Backing up. Steve was referred to the orthopedic surgeon by a sports medicine specialist who had been trying to diagnose Steve’s hip pain for about three weeks. Steve was seen by the orthopedic surgeon for the first time on 7/27/16 when he diagnosed Steve with a “destroyed hip” that needed to be replaced.
The orthopedic surgeon’s next available opportunity to do the surgery was on 8/12/16, which the doctor later delayed to 8/16/16. Other orthopedic surgeons at the practice declined to do the surgery while Steve’s doctor was out on vacation.
On 8/3/16 I brought Steve for a pre-op appointment at the orthopedic surgeon’s office and a pre-admission test at the hospital. In the surgeon’s office, I told the PA that Steve’s sister had survived a PE a few years ago. It was a memorable conversation, because the PA joked to Steve that “you just earned yourself three weeks of shots in the stomach.”
Meanwhile, knowing that Steve was in great pain and unable to walk without assistance, the orthopedic surgeon prescribed Steve painkillers, a hospital bed and a wheelchair. Steve was living on our couch and the hospital bed. He was peeing in a jug because it hurt too much for him to get to the restroom more than once a day. I brought him all his fluids and meals because it hurt too much for him to walk the ten feet into the kitchen to get those things for himself.
The orthopedic surgeon was the only doctor in the position to see Steve’s risk of blood clots mounting as his time of immobility was prolonged by the delayed surgery schedule. He was the only doctor who was in the position to address the increasing risk of blood clots by making the family aware of the risk and by considering mechanical or pharmaceutical anticoagulation.
I can’t do justice to the overwhelming sadness and loss we feel as Steve’s family and broad circle of colleagues and friends. For just a little of what he meant to all of us see his obituary which is attached. While I am so thankful I can look back happily on the wonderful years I had with my smart, funny, handsome, athletic, loving husband, I cannot find a way to rationalize the loss of my children’s Dad, or my mom-in-law’s Son. The profound pain of his loss, which his loved ones have to continue to endure for the rest of their lives, is unforgivable.
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