New Resources on Blood Clots and Cancer

Blood clots are a known complication in cancer patients. If you consider everyone with a blood clot today, roughly 20% of those people have cancer.

Cancer is a strong risk factor for developing a blood clot, and certain types of cancers (such as pancreatic and stomach cancers) are more strongly associated with clots. Some chemotherapy and radiation treatments also increase the risk of blood clots. Sadly, thrombosis is the second leading cause of death in patients with cancer.

Despite a known link between blood clots and cancer, there is still a lack of awareness about thrombosis risk in patients with cancer. To help address this knowledge gap and encourage open conversations between patients and healthcare providers, NATF has developed an online toolkit for patients that includes several resources, such as the TRAC: Thrombosis Risk Assessment Checklist, as well as patient videos and research summaries.

Thrombosis Risk Assessment Checklist


Watch these videos to learn more about cancer and thrombosis (blood clots), and what you can do to prevent blood clots.

Research Summaries

Additional Resources

For more information on cancer and blood clots, view these resources for people with cancer and caregivers, including guidelines, language translations, webinars, and more from our partners at the National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®).